
Change is in the air

Some of the unhealthiest things you can inhale are too small to see or even sense. These particles are so small they can enter your bloodstream through the lungs.*

Atmofizers feature patented filter-less technology built on a revolutionary application of sound and light to neutralize dangerous and elusive microscopic airborne particles, viruses, and bacteria.

The Atmofizer ultra-fine particle agglomeration and neutralization engine does not require any filters. However, as an added benefit, where there are already existing air filtration systems in place, Atmofizer Technology can increase those filters’ efficacy and efficiency, reduce operating costs, and limit hazardous byproduct exposure from changing filters.

  • NO Added Chemicals

  • NO Hazardous Ozone Production

  • Filterless Technology

New Paradigm, New Technology, New Capability

  • Agglomeration

    Atmofizer’s patented and patent pending ultra-fine particle agglomeration technology provides a revolutionary method for mitigating the threat of dangerous nano-scale particles, including viruses, and bacteria too small to be optimally managed by traditional filters or UV lights. Atmofizing removes these hazards from breathable air in environments such as offices, schools, homes, places of worship, entertainment venues, hotels, and restaurants.

  • Atmofizing

    Atmofizing the air refers to the process of using ultrasonic acoustic waves to agglomerate (cluster together) small particles into a larger target that is then radiated by ultraviolet light

    to neutralize their harmful properties, making the air you breathe less hazardous to

    your health. Using Atmofizer’s ultra-fine particle agglomeration engines in tandem with filters can make filters work more efficiently, enable the use of a less-expensive filters, and result in cleaner, longer-lasting filters that reduces operating costs and is less of a health hazard to clean or replace.

  • Accoustic Difference

    Atmofizer units use acoustics to agglomerate ultra-fine particles — using sound waves to manipulate nano-scale airborne particles, including viruses and bacteria, making particles combine into bigger clusters (or agglomerates). These agglomerates are much larger so they are easier for ultraviolet waves to target. This allows Ultraviolet light to destroy or deactivate particles more efficiently.

  • Rapid Reduction

    While MERV and HEPA filters are only able to capture particles efficiently down to 300nm and 10nm respectively the Atmofizer technology is able to rapidly reduce airborne ultra fine particles — with no disposable filters and low maintenance.